How to Fix a Toilet That Won’t Flush

Are you struggling with a toilet that won’t flush? If your toilet is giving you trouble, don’t despair. In most cases, the problem can be fixed relatively easily. This guide will walk you through some of the most common causes of a toilet that won’t flush and how to fix them.

How to Fix a Toilet That Won’t Flush

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One of the most common reasons a toilet won’t flush is because there is something blocking the flow of water from the tank to the bowl. This can be caused by anything from a toy accidentally dropped into the toilet to a build-up of sediment in the pipes. In most cases, you should be able to fix this problem by disassembling the toilet and removing the obstruction.

Another common reason for a toilet that won’t flush is a faulty part. The most likely culprit is the flapper, which is the rubber seal that covers the opening between the tank and the bowl. Over time, flappers can become dried out and cracked, which prevents them from forming a tight seal. This can cause water to leak from the tank into the bowl, which will eventually lead to a toilet that won’t flush.

Your Toilet is Clogged

If your toilet is clogged, it won’t be able to flush properly. Toilets can become clogged for a variety of reasons, from too much toilet paper being used at once to objects being flushed that shouldn’t be. If clogs are deep in the pipes, you may not be able to see them and you’ll need to call a professional plumber to clear them.

If you have a partial clog, your toilet may still flush, but not as well as it should. In this case, you can try using a plunger or a toilet auger to clear the clog. You can also try using hot but not boiling water. To do this, shut off water to the toilet. Next, add hot water to the toilet bowl. Leave the hot water in the bowl for a few minutes before flushing. The heat from the water can help break down the clog. If that fails, you can snake the toilet. If your toilet is still having problems after trying these techniques, it’s time to call a professional plumber. The team at Bienvenu Brothers has the experience and expertise to fix any toilet issue you may be having.

Examine Your Toilet’s Handle And Chain

If you try to flush your toilet and the handle doesn’t go down all the way or comes back up too quickly, there may be something wrong with your toilet’s handle or chain. The chain may be disconnected or the wrong length.

To fix this problem, you’ll need to adjust the length of the chain. The toilet chain should be long enough that when the handle is pushed down, it lifts the flapper just enough to allow water to flow into the bowl. It should also not be too long otherwise it will fail to pull up the flapper.

The Flapper in The Toilet Won’t Close

The flapper is the rubber seal located at the bottom of your toilet’s tank. It covers the opening between the tank and the bowl. It opens and closes when you flush the toilet. Over time, flappers can dry out and crack, which stops them from forming a tight seal. This can cause water to leak from the tank into the bowl, which leads to a toilet that won’t flush.

To fix this issue, you’ll need to check your flapper for damage and replace it if necessary. Flappers are not expensive and you can find them at most hardware stores. You may also need to adjust the water level in your toilet’s tank. The water level should be just high enough to cover the flapper when it’s closed.

To replace your flapper, turn off the water to your toilet. Flush the toilet to empty the tank. Next, remove the old flapper and put the new one in its place. Reattach the chain and turn on the water. Test your flapper by flushing the toilet to see if it’s working properly. If it is, then you’re all done! If not, you need to call a professional plumbing company like Bienvenu Brothers.

Adjust or Replace Your Overflow Tube

Your toilet’s overflow tube empties water from the tank if the water level gets too high. Overflow tubes are usually clear plastic and are located near the fill valve. If your overflow tube is damaged, it can cause your toilet to flush poorly or not at all.

You’ll need to adjust or replace your overflow tube to fix this problem. If that doesn’t work, then you need to call a professional plumber.

Your Toilet Tank Isn’t Filling up

If your toilet tank doesn’t fill up, it may not have enough water to flush properly. Flushing requires the quick release of plenty of water into the bowl. If this doesn’t happen, there won’t be enough suction to flush the toilet. This can be caused by a number of things, including a clogged fill valve or a faulty float.

To fix this, you’ll need to check your fill valve and float. Open the toilet tank and find the float, usually a plastic ball. Flush the toilet and see what happens as the water drains and fills up again. If the tube attached to the fill valve isn’t filling up the tank with water to the fill line, then you won’t get a full flush. To solve this problem, adjust the float so that it shuts off the water at the right level. You can do this by adjusting its connection to the fill valve. When you’re done, flush the toilet again to see if it’s fixed. If not, you’ll need to replace the fill valve.

Clean Your Toilet Jets

The toilet jets are small holes located around the rim of your toilet bowl. They are responsible for sucking water out of the bowl and into the drain. If these jets become clogged, it can cause your toilet to flush poorly or not at all.

To fix this issue, you’ll need to clean your toilet jets. The best way to do this is to get a toothbrush or small nail, watered down bleach or vinegar solution, and a small mirror. Place the mirror under the toilet rim so that you can see the jets. Next, use the toothbrush or small nail to clean debris from the jets. Finally, flush your toilet and see if it’s working properly.

Contact Bienvenu Brothers Starting Today

If you’ve tried all of the above and your toilet still won’t flush, then it’s time to call the professional plumbers at Bienvenu Brothers. We can diagnose and fix any number of problems with your toilet, including a cracked bowl, a broken flange, or a faulty fill valve. Don’t wait too long to call us at (504) 835-7783 for a free consultation.